Your moment of Independence in life!

Happy Independence day!!!

I am asked to write about the moment of Independence in life, commemorating the 67 years of Indian Independence. I would like to share my thoughts on the topic through this post.

The moment of independence in life, according to me, is the moment you have exercised what your mind and body have asked you to do. We breathe, eat, sleep, speak, and think, whenever we want to. Even these small moments are the moments of independence in life.

There was a time, when the harijans were not able to walk on the roads; There was a time, when the people following same religion were not able to enter inside the temples in the name of untouchability; There was a time, when press is considered a sin fearing the facts would grow enmity against the government; There was a time, when the British bureaucracy and anarchy had a upper hand and acted ruthlessly by stealing the freedom, pride and thoughts of people. Thanks to Indian independence from British, we are a democracy now, the government that is of the people, by the people and for the people as quoted by Abraham Lincoln. You have freedom over many more verbs than before.

Now, Let us post ourselves a question based on the definition on the moment of independence in life, “Provided the act is lawful, are we able to do what we want to do?”. Your answer may be yes, you may tell me,”The social media”, “The right to information act”. Now, let me make a slight change to the question, “Are you able to express your opinions to the intended audiences?”, Now the answer goes little sneaky because our society is ruled by money and you cannot address over the public issues due to the fear of people in power. The governments have changed, from dynasty to bureaucracy; bureaucracy to democracy and so are the problems of the people. The fight for independence is always on, the cause changes, in order to widen verbs over which you have real access.

Let us continue the fight for freedom for the real causes and at the same time, lets be sensible about the freedom we are given with. Jai Hind!!!

Retrieving complex types from Entity Framework while using Temp tables in Stored Procedures

Hi Folks!


In this post let us see how to retrieve the complex types from the Entity Framework while projecting the records of temp table in the Stored Procedure.Click on the image for the detailed explanation on each step.

Hope it helps. Happy Coding!!!